Ethics is part of human development from its beginnings, it is demonstrated in its development and behavior in society; however, in contrast to good values and actions that may be correct, corruption occurs corrupting human beings in different areas of their actions. Corruption is comparable to an infection which must be able to be fought from different angles in order to minimize the negative impact on people and society, ethics is considered an antidote that can combat the disease of corruption and as such minimize the symptoms until achieve that this evil loses enough strength to cause damage to the community, social development and correct human development, in order to declare corruption as a disease classified as a simple venial corruption. In conclusion, Ethics as a remedy and proposal for the fight against corruption and other spiritual evils, is the result of the evolution of the thought of the human race through history, according to experiences; Ideas that are preserved and transmitted from generation to generation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Vicente Navas Rondon