The research was developed with the purpose of knowing the level of satisfaction of the consumers of the drinking water service of the company Seda Huánuco SA in the city of Tingo María; for this purpose 210 surveys were conducted with users of the drinking water service, according to the calculated sample size, randomly selected in the southern zone, urban zone of the city of Tingo María and zone of Castillo Grande, the survey consisted of 25 questions divided into seven parts with respect to the quality service of drinking water. To measure the level of user satisfaction, each question was measured on a Likert scale: 1) Totally dissatisfied, 2) Dissatisfied, 3) Indifferent, 4) Satisfied and 5) Totally satisfied. Microsoft Excel software was used for statistical processing of the data collected. The results revealed that 29.89% are dissatisfied with the quality of the water currently provided by the company, but 22.55% are totally satisfied with the quality of the water.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Eduardo Oré Cierto, Jorge Alejandro Suarez Vásquez, Wendy Caroline Loarte Aliaga, Juan Daniel Oré Cierto , Ivet Victoria Falcón Ramírez, Ericson Oré Cierto