Effect of slow filtration systems on vehicle wash effluents
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Activated carbon
coconut mesocarp
filtration system

How to Cite

Oré Cierto, L. E., Cruz González, D., González De la Cruz, S. E., Rivas Enciso , K. J., Loarte Aliaga, W. C., & Suarez Vásquez, J. A. (2023). Effect of slow filtration systems on vehicle wash effluents. FitoVida, 2(2), 02–08. https://doi.org/10.56275/fitovida.v2i2.21


The present research work, slow filtration in effluents from car washes, has as main objective to evaluate the effects of slow filtration systems (sand with activated carbon, charcoal, coconut mesocarp and gravel), for effluents from car washes. vehicles, for this research a slow sand filtering system was built, and 20-liter plastic containers, PVC pipes and glues were used, wastewater was also collected from vehicle washes in a timbo and taken to the laboratory, and physicochemical parameters were characterized before and after passing through the slow filtration system such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature and electrical conductivity, and as a conclusion it has been found that the efficiency of turbidity removal of the slow filter system at from activated carbon was 99,35% and the parameters of pH, turbidity and electrical conductivity had a statistically significant behavior.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Eduardo Oré Cierto, Diana Cruz González, Steve Edwin González De la Cruz, Katherin Jasmin Rivas Enciso , Wendy Caroline Loarte Aliaga, Jorge Alejandro Suarez Vásquez


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