Inventory of trees with medical properties distributed in the province of Leoncio Prado
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medicinal plants

How to Cite

Guerra Lu, J. K. ., Oré Cierto, L. E., Oré Cierto, J. D. ., & Loarte Aliaga, W. C. (2022). Inventory of trees with medical properties distributed in the province of Leoncio Prado. FitoVida, 1(2), 06–12.


The inventory of trees with medicinal properties distributed in the province of Leoncio Prado, located in the eastern part of Peru, high forest or Rupa Rupa, characterized by high rainfall with a great biodiversity, the work was developed through direct identification, collections field surveys, written surveys and direct interviews with the inhabitants of the communities, about the uses of these plants, reporting 87 tree species distributed for the area, being the Euphorbiceae family the one with the largest number with 9 species with medicinal properties, followed by the family Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae, and Moraceae each with 6 species, these arboreal species are used for their properties as antidiarreic, desinflammatory, diuretic, antipyretic, antirheumatic, cicatrizant, stomatologic, stimulant, anticancer, galactogena, among others, for what we indicate that for the study area there is a diversity of tree species that are used for their medicinal properties.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 José Kalión Guerra Lu, Luis Eduardo Oré Cierto, Juan Daniel Oré Cierto, Wendy Caroline Loarte Aliaga


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