Chladni sound figures for the development of abstract thinking in children 5 years old
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Sound figures

How to Cite

Camacho Lozada, K. M. C., Calizaya Álvarez, G. M., Buendía Giribaldi, A. R., & Carlos Reyes, R. E. (2023). Chladni sound figures for the development of abstract thinking in children 5 years old. FitoVida, 2(2), 34–42.


This study investigated the impact of Chladni's sound figures on the development of abstract thinking in 5-year-old children, using an experimental methodology that combined practical and technological sessions. Interactive sessions were conducted in which children actively participated in the creation of geometric patterns using sand and vibrations. During these sessions, detailed observation and direct manipulation of the sound figures were encouraged. In addition, the Python programming language was implemented for the generation and manipulation of the Chladni figures, as well as for frequency modulation. The integration of technology allowed for a more dynamic and personalized experience, adapting to the individual needs of the children and facilitating experimentation with different wave and frequency configurations. The results highlighted significant progress in the children's abstract thinking skills, evidenced by their ability to identify and analyze complex patterns, as well as make connections to abstract concepts such as waves and frequencies. These findings support the effectiveness of Chladni's sound figures and underscore the usefulness of the technological approach, especially the use of Python and Matlab, as an innovative pedagogical tool to complement early childhood cognitive development.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Kyara Mayte Cielo Camacho Lozada, Gerardo Matias Calizaya Álvarez, Atilio Rodolfo Buendía Giribaldi, Rafael Edgardo Carlos Reyes


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