The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of introducing fractal pattern modeling in plants using Python for the development of geometric skills in children aged 4-7 years. Many educational programs do not integrate enough tangible and visual activities to help children understand abstract geometric concepts. This can result in a lack of interest and understanding, as children learn best through concrete experiences. Furthermore, the lack of adequate resources and tools in classrooms can limit opportunities to explore geometry interactively, negatively affecting the development of essential spatial and geometric skills. This research was experimental methodology. Children's progress in understanding shapes, dimensions and spatial relationships was measured through a more experiential and practical approach in the classroom. A higher level of participation and interest of children in geometric learning was observed through more dynamic and playful methods. The impact on the development of spatial skills, such as visualization ability and geometric problem solving, was evaluated. It was concluded that children improved their ability to identify geometric figures when exposed to fractal patterns of plants modeled using Python.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Abraham Lincon Minaya Ticona, Carlos Eduardo Torres Castro, Dasha Ayelen Melgarejo Paulino, Atilio Rodolfo Buendía Giribaldi, Rafael Edgardo Carlos Reyes